Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween in Quito...

passed like any other Sunday! There is no meaning to October 31st in this city. It was one of the hottest days we've had in Quito since I've been here. I went out walking - through an area called "La Jota", which is just a street nearby that has a lot of commercial activity - shoe stores, peluquerias (hair salons), restuarants selling encebolladas, morocho, empañadas, ceviches, arroz con mariscos, florerías selling rose bouquets for $1, stores selling watches and DVDs and all sorts of things...however, there's no book stores in the whole area.  I ended up buying a nice warm jacket with a hood for $15. Mind you, I said it was one of the hottest days we'd had so far - I was in a t-shirt and shorts when I returned home; but by 5:30 when José and I walked to church, it was cold and I had on my jeans, my new jacket and a scarf (the weather changes as much here as it does in Indiana)! We went to a new church that neither of us had ever been to, La Iglesia San Ignacio - I liked this church much better than Cristo Resuscitado, the one that is next to Tierra Nueva, and this church is closer - only a 15 minute walk through La Jota.

After church we walked back, I tried the morocho - basically rice milk, kind of like sweet rice pudding but more a drink.  It was really good.  Then I made José teach me all the songs we sang at church, because I don't like not knowing the songs, and because he's a good guitarist so we played music and listened to You Tube videos and sang for a good three hours.  Although it was no trick or treating, it was still a good time!

Today I ran through El Parque de las Cuadras - it is a very safe park, it has guards at three different locations, and it's not very big.  It's nice to be able to run again, but I still have to take breaks about every 10 minutes. I have adjusted to the altitude though, my Hemoglobin was 15.3 last week!! Normally my Hgb is low, and I take iron.  No need for iron here!

Tomorrow I'm back to work. . . will take pictures of the unit soon.

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