I am a very tolerant and respectful person to other people's cultures, belief systems, etc. I particularly respect many of the other major world religions - mainly because they actually live their faith. What I am intolerant of, however, is the westernized, modern day, secular society - which claims to be "Christian". What a bogus idea that is! Materialism, exploitative business ethics, politicization, selfishness, vanity, sexually-wounded, "accepting" of immorality and immoral living; these are words that describe what our secularist society is, but not what a Christian society should be. I am intolerant of the great chasm, this epically large divide, between faith and how that faith is transcribed into daily life. I speak out about this now, because I know first-hand, all too well, how that great divide is causing so much pain, so much hardening of hearts, so much trauma to our souls - and I do not want my son to experience the same thing.
I believe that Hell is the absence of God.... so by definition, we are currently living in hell, because secularism is the removal of God from daily living; as Merriam-Webster puts it, it is the "indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion or religious considerations". We live in hell, and it shows. We remove God from our daily lives, and it shows. We live with teenagers who have been given everything, but kill themselves over teenage angst, they see no purpose to life. Life without God is meaningless. There are 7 billion people on this planet. How does anyone make sense of that? How does anyone manage to live their measly little lives without at some moment thinking what is the point of it all? We live in hell, where life is so meaningless, so easily discarded, that thousands of beating hearts are stopped daily in the most obvious genocide of our history in the wealthiest country in all the world; yet our voices are halted by the voices of those who say "women can do what they want with their vaginas". Yes, they can, and that's why we were given the gift of reason as human beings. We can act reasonably, but now it's much more fun to get drunk and do whatever the hell we want and then be tolerant of it and accept it because we don't want to face any guilt or take any responsibility for our actions so we take pills or take our measly little selves to an office that doesn't care about us to "take care of the problem"....so that we can continue on with our little "happy" lives. Besides, it's so politicized that most people won't even look at the issue for what it truly is...
We live in hell, and we have people go off the deep end and kill and kill and kill and shoot and don't care and then are so dead inside they kill themselves too. Because life has no meaning without God.
We live in hell, and now people want to protect themselves with guns more and more, instead of trusting and relying on their neighbors and focusing on strengthening the community more and more.... But as Jesus advised, "those who live by the sword will die by the sword". Violence reaps violence. Love reaps love. Simple?
My soul is hardened to the Hell all around me, so now I am focusing on the Truth. The one Truth, the one light, the endless love and mercy, the true peace of Jesus Christ....for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. It's amazing how freeing the Word of God is, how my heart burns during adoration, feeling this immeasurable love pour forth and swallow up all of the devastation that wracks my brain and heart. It fills me up to the brim, it overflows, this love from Jesus. This burning dove of the Holy Spirit. This gentle whisper from Our Creator.
Thank you Lord, for your daily reminders of what this life is all about.... your kingdom, not only trying to get to heaven but to create heaven on earth. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
I believe that Hell is the absence of God.... so by definition, we are currently living in hell, because secularism is the removal of God from daily living; as Merriam-Webster puts it, it is the "indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion or religious considerations". We live in hell, and it shows. We remove God from our daily lives, and it shows. We live with teenagers who have been given everything, but kill themselves over teenage angst, they see no purpose to life. Life without God is meaningless. There are 7 billion people on this planet. How does anyone make sense of that? How does anyone manage to live their measly little lives without at some moment thinking what is the point of it all? We live in hell, where life is so meaningless, so easily discarded, that thousands of beating hearts are stopped daily in the most obvious genocide of our history in the wealthiest country in all the world; yet our voices are halted by the voices of those who say "women can do what they want with their vaginas". Yes, they can, and that's why we were given the gift of reason as human beings. We can act reasonably, but now it's much more fun to get drunk and do whatever the hell we want and then be tolerant of it and accept it because we don't want to face any guilt or take any responsibility for our actions so we take pills or take our measly little selves to an office that doesn't care about us to "take care of the problem"....so that we can continue on with our little "happy" lives. Besides, it's so politicized that most people won't even look at the issue for what it truly is...
We live in hell, and we have people go off the deep end and kill and kill and kill and shoot and don't care and then are so dead inside they kill themselves too. Because life has no meaning without God.
We live in hell, and now people want to protect themselves with guns more and more, instead of trusting and relying on their neighbors and focusing on strengthening the community more and more.... But as Jesus advised, "those who live by the sword will die by the sword". Violence reaps violence. Love reaps love. Simple?
My soul is hardened to the Hell all around me, so now I am focusing on the Truth. The one Truth, the one light, the endless love and mercy, the true peace of Jesus Christ....for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. It's amazing how freeing the Word of God is, how my heart burns during adoration, feeling this immeasurable love pour forth and swallow up all of the devastation that wracks my brain and heart. It fills me up to the brim, it overflows, this love from Jesus. This burning dove of the Holy Spirit. This gentle whisper from Our Creator.
Thank you Lord, for your daily reminders of what this life is all about.... your kingdom, not only trying to get to heaven but to create heaven on earth. "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
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